Our Instructor
Cat Hasson West has been working with energy since 1996. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher of Western Reiki: Usui Shiki Ryoho. Cat also studied Gendai Reiki Ho at the Master/Teacher level.
Cat is also certified in Holy Fire III
®️ Karuna Reiki ®️ Master/Teacher.
Her work with Reiki helped her connect to her spiritual energy and the wonders of healing and growth found in Reiki.
Energy work strengthens her
belief in our ability to heal the body, mind, heart and soul. She views every opportunity we have of connecting with each other and source as a healing pathway.
We at Balance Mind, Body & Spirit believe in the amazing healing benefits of Life Force Energy (Reiki)
You do not have to want to be a practitioner to take our classes, for many its about their personal
healing journey.
Others plan to work in the healing world of Reiki opening up their own practice or volunteering to help others heal.
Whatever your personal journey is with Reiki we offer 3 levels of Certifications.
Level 1 * Level 2
Master Practitioner
Master Teacher
Reiki Level I: Students will learn the History of Reiki, The Hand Positions for Healing Self, The Hand Positions for Healing Self & Healing Others. They will learn of the Reiki Principles, The Gassho Meditation, Kenyoku and the Raku symbol to complete a treatment. They will receive four (4) Reiki attunements and at the completion of the class they will receive a Reiki Level I Certificate. Students are asked to wear comfortable clothing.
Max 6 Students
Reiki Level II is designed for adults age 18+.
(Prerequisite: Certification in Reiki I).
Students will receive two (2) Level II Reiki Attunements. Students will learn the three Reiki Symbols (The Power Symbol: Cho Ku Rei, The Mental/Emotional Symbol: Sei He Ki and The Distant Healing Symbol: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) and how to use them in a Reiki Treatment.
Students will learn the technique for healing the earth. Students will learn the distance healing technique. Students will learn how to utilize the Reiki symbols to enhance their intuitive abilities. Students will receive a Level II certificate upon completion of the course. Students are asked to wear comfortable clothing, bring a photo of someone who is living and a pillow.
Max 6 Students
Registration & payment is made directly to Cat
All classes require a 50% deposit at time of Registration
In the event you need to reschedule your appointed class You are able to move on to the next scheduled class.
If you cancel the re-scheduled class
your deposit will not be
Reiki Level 1
9:15 - 4:30 pm
2025 Dates
April 6th
$175.00 investment Beginning 2025
$87.00 deposit due at
time of class registration.
Venmo is the payment preferred.
If you do not have Venmo please express this to Cat at time of registration
Reiki Level 2
9:15 - 4:30 pm
( Must be certified in Level 1 )
2025 Dates
June 8th
Investment $250.00
Deposit $125.00
Next Master Classes 2025
This Class is FULL
January 26th
February 23rd
March 30th
9:15 - 4:30 pm
Investment $225.00 per class
$175.00 deposit required for each class
Must complete Level 1 & 2 certifications
Registration & payment is made directly through Cat.
Additional question's please forward to Cat.
The Master Class attunes the Reiki practitioner to the Master Symbol
(Dai Ko Myo) and allows the Reiki practitioner to pass attunements up to the Master Level and teach Reiki classes. The Reiki Master class is broken into three classes. The first class the student will be attuned to the Master Symbol Dai Ko Myo and learn the attunement for level 1 and material to cover in the first class. The second class the student will learn the level II attunement and and how to teach a level II class. The third class the student will learn the Master attunement and how to teach the classes at all levels. Students will also learn both Gendai Reiki Reiju and Self Reiju attunements. Upon completion of the class the student will be certified at the Master Level and be able to both teach and attune students to Reiki Level I, Level II and the Master Level.
The Master Class Fee: $675.00
(Cash, check or Venmo @Cathassonwest)
Holy Fire Reiki® is a new form of reiki healing that is considered more refined and powerful then traditional Reiki.
It was introduced by William Rand in 2014, and is known for it's ability to create wholeness & healing through purification, empowerment, and guidance. In essence, Holy Fire Reiki is a higher frequency of Reiki Energy that is believed to be more potent and direct in its healing power.
What you will Learn in this Class
In the Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Level I class the student will learn about Reiki Energy (what it is and what it can do), The history of Usui Reiki Energy and the Holy Fire Reiki System, Kenyoku and Byosen scanning and the Gassho Meditation with the Reiki Principles. They will learn how to treat others with Reiki along with how to do self treatment. Students will receive one placement.
Holy Fire Reiki Level 2 is a training session where students learn advanced Reiki techniques using the Holy Fire Reiki energy system, allowing them to practice distance healing and utilize special Reiki symbols to deepen their healing abilities. It essentially enables practitioners to provide more comprehensive Reiki sessions to clients beyond just hands-on healing.
Students learn the first three symbols of Reiki. Students learn how to work in a "sacred space" through distant healing. They will be able to promote healing in past, present or future events/experiences.
In the course of the day the student will receive a Holy Love Experience and a Reiki II Placement.
Students will need to bring a picture of someone they are close to, a pillow and wear comfortable clothing.
Karuna® Reiki is one such system which was developed by Reiki Master William Lee Rand.
The word itself “Karuna” is of Sanskrit origin. It is related to the generic ideas and meanings of unconditional love, compassion, and spiritual evolution. This energy uses attunements similar to Usui Reiki, with the Practitioner receiving 8 symbols to deepen their relationship with the energy, clients and themselves. These 8 symbols help us access a higher frequency of energy for both healing and peace.
Karuna® Reiki works with healing of our shadow self and a connection to higher level Spiritual Guides.
The Karuna® Reiki stems from the Universal Life Force Energy and is here to heal through compassion, gratitude & forgiveness.
Prerequisite: Reiki Master Level (all lineages).
In this two day certification class,
the Practitioner will be attuned to 8 Karuna® Reiki Symbols that they will be able to use in their Reiki practice and for their own personal healing. The Practitioner will work on their shadow selves and healing their egos. Because of the strength and higher vibration of Karuna® Reiki they will have the ability to connect, with higher level Guides. The Practitioner will learn how to integrate both the Usui and the Karuna® Reiki energy in giving a treatment or a distant healing.
This two day class works at a higher level of the Life Force Energy, healing emotional and spiritual blocks and wounds. The Practitioner will also be introduced to toning and chanting the Karuna® Reiki Energy.
Level 1 Next Class
April 13th - 9 to 4 pm
Level 1 - Investment $225.00
Manual Included
Level 2 - (Must be level 1 any lineage)
May 4th - 9 to 4 pm
Investment - $250.00
Registration & payment is made directly through Cat.
Additional question's please forward to Cat.
50% deposit due at time of registration
Weekend workshop
9 - 4 pm
Manual included
(Must be a Reiki Master)
March 8th & 9th
Investment - $500.00
50% deposit required
Registration & payment is made directly through Cat.
Additional question's please forward to Cat.
Next workshop Fall 2025
Prerequisite: Certified Usui Reiki Master or Karuna Reiki Master. All lineages welcome.
The Course Manual will be provided to you.
May 16th - 18th - Class almost Full
Investment - $800
Payment plan available
Holy Fire®III Karuna® Reiki Master Class includes 4 ignitions into Holy Fire®III Karuna® Reiki including the World Peace Ignition. You will be certified to teach all Levels of Usui/Holy Fire® III (Level I, Level II, Masters). You will receive 9 Symbols and how to use them in your practice/life. You will learn how to facilitate the River of Peace Experience, Ocean of Holy Love Experience, Holy Love I, II, III, IV.
As a Master/Teacher you will be able to teach either in person or online! You will learn of the 12 Heavens, The awakening and nurturing of the Authentic Self. The Healing Technique of Chanting and Toning with Holy Fire®III Karuna® Reiki. Energy Clearing, Healing Religious Trauma, Healing the Ego and Releasing Spirit Attachments.
Once you are ignited with the Holy Fire® the flame will continue to grow, heal and guide you as you walk your pathway.
Balance Mind, Body & Spirit
101 Bill Smith Blvd., King Of Prussia, Pa 19406 United States
101 Bill Smith Blvd. Suite 5
King of Prussia, Pa 19406 United States
Email: Balancedlife222@gmail.com
Copyright © 2020 Balance Mind, Body & Spirit
All Rights Reserved - Balanced Life Healing, LLC